Why God created Arnab Goswami

After creating this complex world, GOD was worried that
who will decide what is right and what is wrong? So, HE
created Arnab Goswami.
I hope the next episode of Satyamev Jayate focuses on
how Arnab Goswami has been terrorising the country
for years.
'Why? Why?Why? The nation demands an answer!' — Arnab
Goswami to waiter at Sagar Ratna, after being told the
idlis are over.
Arnab Goswami was created to balance Manmohan
Singh's silence.
If Arnab Goswami and Dolly Bindra get married.. Their
kid would be d most advanced sound system ever built
on d planet.
If you ever see a picture of Arnab Goswami with a
closed mouth, that camera has a good shutter speed.
Rajinikanth once completed his sentence in an Arnab
Goswami interview.
To calculate the longest Arnab Goswami has ever
paused, Mathematicians r working on a device that can
record time in nanosecondsπŸ˜