Fight between husband and wife ......(both r students of English literature)instead of resorting to shouting, abusing or physical force... they write poems to each other. .....
I wrote your name on sand it got washed..
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away.
Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got Heart Attack.
God saw me hungry, he created pizza.
He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi.
He saw me in the dark, he created light.
He saw me without problems, he created YOU.
Twinkle twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far
The rain makes all things beautiful.
The grass and flowers too.
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you?
Roses are red; Violets are blue
Monkeys like u should be kept in zoo.
Husband :
Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but laughing at you!!
Fight between husband and wife using poems
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